IKiArt Learning is based on an app currently largely derived from ArtBot, an unofficial front-end web client created by Dave Schumaker who licensed his amazing work under MIT.
IKiArt - and its future releases - will remain freely accessible on IKiBlast, but will evolve in their own direction in order to match its initially thought educational purpose.
XaiIA - for eXtreme (and hopefully soon eXplainable) AI In Action is our next-gen IkimerIA. You can already experience some of its features in the freely accessible Programmer's AI Assistant app. Some parts of the layout and agent behavior are inspired by the big-agi project initiated by Enrico Ros.
Who is Katrin? Well she is building the promising chart-GPT project and new contributors join her every week. IKiCharts (already available in beta) reuse some of its components.
Our interactive voice simulators, designed to train individuals in challenging situations like job interviews or public debates, were made possible thanks to Darryl Schaefer's contributions to the GitHub community. His work helped us overcome a tricky phase in implementing voice support, allowing us to handle voice input noise (via Whisper) and provide affordable, yet realistic, voice conversations in your AI experiences
IKiPop is derived from the original work of JosStorer, a developer who creates open sourced tools and extensions related to language models, such as RWKV-Runner and ChatGPTBox.
IKiFlow light and free release is built over ReactFlow's MIT-licensed open source library and takes UX and business logic elements developed by the talented Chun-Yu Lo.